Sunday, November 1, 2009

How Lindsay Lohan left Hollywood.

The White Brick Phantom - LA Girl Power - by fameland fashion © 2009
The Rolls Brick Phantom, white line art on a black cotton shirt.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fameland was SIGHTED in Detroit

Fameland's Metabella™ made it to Detroit in a silver foil Silver Shadow on Tracks. Yes it is a Rolls on Tracks™. Detroit hipster girls tell us they saw some fameland shirts for sale at Dolce Moda in Royal Oak , the coolest boutique North of Detroit -
famelandfashion is a L.A. based apparel brand created and designed by world reknown L.A. artist Patrick Janicke. "An L.A artist born in Berlin, Germany, what's the significance?" asked schnufti magazine in May 2007. "I personally believe, L.A is the sister city of Berlin, Germany and, uh...should help the Americans to, uh design better film sets and t-shirts, so that we can build our future together." Patrick von Janicke is not dating Miss South Carolina.

Monday, September 7, 2009

fameland fashion is back in Malibu, California

These bikers have been spotted at the famous Rock Store in the Hills behind Malibu. Wearing Classic Fameland Rolls on Tracks™ Silver Shadow T-shirts, they were checking out the choppers, while the ladies checked out........?! That's right. fameland fashion ©2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

fameland fashion coming to Las Vegas

fameland hits Magic in Las Vegas next week - and new Hollywood fashion labels at "project".

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fameland on the Road

FAMELAND meets SMET in the Malibu Hills, California.
One was "born on the streets™", the other was "born in a hospital™".

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Woodward Dream Cruise 2009

fameland fashion brought the Happy Camper™ shirts to the 2009 Woodward Dream Cruise in Detroit. What a show! What an amazing response!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fameland hits San Francisco

fameland fashion is Now coming to Northern California
The New Happy Campers have arrived! Brigitte Bardot loves her fameland shirts but was not willing to be photographed in any one of them. Maybe next month. Keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Organic cotton shirts from Hollywood

Danny inspired: "Tight on the clutch" - like Starsky & Hutch. Fameland Fashion's new recession proof Mas(t)erati summer shirt for the discriminating Hollywood Gentleman. You don't have to know how to shift with Maserati's tiptronic to own one of these organic cotton shirts! We remind you to buy oil and gold while you are shopping at Plan for your future!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

fameland fashion May Edition

New for May 2009!
fameland fashion shirt name:
Happy Camper!
(based on a Silver Shadow that set out to travel the world
part time piloted by an impoverished economist turning gypsy?)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fameland Casino Shirts for Hollywood Men

The new Fameland Vegas Gambler Shirts were available January 2009 using Black Henley T-Shirts from Downtown LA! there are only 3 left. Yes, three!

(photo by Mick Cukurs Photography)

The Fameland Rolls Brick Phantom™