Friday, October 31, 2008

Meaning - Purpose - Fameland Designs

Fameland Fashion & Design Manifesto

What's the meaning behind the Fameland Trademark vehicle, the "Rolls on Tracks"?
Ever heard of the road less travelled? The RollsOnTracks makes its own road.
We heard some people speak about these "times of an uncertain future" - Wouldn't that be ALL THE TIME?! Who cares anyway? One might say: "Uncertainty is a basic human need!" Otherwise things get boring. "We were never being boring!" When (or "IF") "the shit hits the fan" - we still carry on, travelling in style on a luxury vehicle raised above mediocrity, crossing lines of boundaries - going the extra mile!
And: The extra mile is never crowded!

© October 2008

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The Fameland Rolls Brick Phantom™